1. Go to Apps > Settings


2. Go to Account then tap Add Account


3. From the list select Email.


4. Enter your email address and password


5. From there you will be able to configure the settings of your email account. To configure how often email is sent to your account, tap the box under Sync schedule and select your desired frequency.


6. The section called Peak schedule is how often your device looks for new emails during the hours of 8am & 6pm. To change the frequency, tap the box under Peak schedule and select your desired frequency.


7. To have it that your emails automatically sync, that you are notified when new emails and that your phone automatically downloads attachments when connected to a wifi network, simply tick the box next to the relevant titles.


8. Tap next > Before you finish you can give your account a name. To do this use the backspace key to delete the existing text and then use the keypad to enter your desired name. You can also change the name displayed on outgoing emails. To do this tap the box under your name, delete the existing text and then use the keypad to enter your desired name. It’s worth remembering that this can’t be left blank.


9. When you’re finished, tap done and your account will be added to your accounts list.


10. To view your emails, press the home button and tap the email app. You will see all your emails have synced to your inbox.