If you haven't already been enrolled as a VPN user - please contact our helpdesk by email to support@preceptit.com

Once you are registered you will receive an email with instructions on how to proceed and a confirmation code.

If the confirmation code has expired - please visit the Mako website  >>  https://secure.makonetworks.com/

Click on the forgotten password link and you will receive a fresh email from Mako Networks with a new confirmation code to allow you to register.

Your VPN username will contain the .vpn suffix    eg  username.vpn

Your password must be at least 8 characters in length and contain AT LEAST THREE of these four requirements:
1. Uppercase Letters
2. Lowercase Letters
3. Numbers
4. One or more of these nine characters: ! @ # $ % & - \ _

Please contact our helpdesk by email support@preceptit.com if you require any further assistance